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    1. BioAid project

Assistive Listening Software

    AUD-1 is a mobile app designed to intelligently modulate the loudness of the sonic environment for the hearing-impaired user. Enhancements in both comfort and clarity are achieved using research-driven signal processing. AUD-1 pushes the boundaries of assistive listening software, giving the user fine-grained, yet intuitive control over the sound shaping options.

    screenshot The app processes sound received by the microphone in real-time, then delivers the processed sound via headphones. Advanced connectivity options allow the user to customize the solution to their needs by optionally combining various audio hardware. The BioAid research algorithm forms the core of AUD-1’s processing strategy. AUD-1 is the evolution of mobile-platform assistive listening software, providing numerous advanced features that were requested for inclusion by users of the original BioAid app. No other assistive listening software currently provides either the depth of user control, or the sophistication of the sonic processing.

    AUD-1 features: